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Does Dropshipping Need To Charge Sales Tax?

Dropshipping has revolutionized the e-commerce industry in so many ways. It gives businesses large and small an easy way to sell products without having to store them in a warehouse. But while setting up a dropshipping business may be simpler than most other types of businesses, there is still the question of tax liability. Does dropshipping need to charge sales tax? In this blog post, we’ll explore the details of whether or not dropshipping businesses need to charge sales tax for their transactions and what the process involves. We’ll also look at some helpful tips for managing your taxes if you decide to start a dropshipping business.

What is Sales Tax?

Sales tax is a tax levied on the sale of goods and services. The tax is typically calculated as a percentage of the sale price and is collected by the seller at the time of sale. In most jurisdictions, the tax is remitted to the government periodically, such as monthly or quarterly.

There are many different types of sales taxes, including value-added tax (VAT), goods and services tax (GST), retail sales tax, and use tax. The type of sales tax that applies to a particular transaction depends on the laws of the jurisdiction in which the sale takes place. For example, in the United States, retail sales taxes are imposed by state and local governments, while VAT and GST are imposed by national governments.

In general, dropshipping businesses are required to collect and remit sales taxes on behalf of their customers. The specific requirements vary depending on the jurisdiction, but typically include registering for a sales tax permit, charging customers the appropriate sales tax rate, and filing periodic returns with the government. Failure to comply with these requirements can result in fines or other penalties.

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What States Require Sales Tax on Dropshipped Orders?

Sales tax is tricky for dropshippers.

Dropshippers sell products they don’t physically have in their possession. They partner with a supplier who stores the inventory and ships the product directly to the customer on the dropshipper’s behalf. Because of this, some states consider dropshippers to have what’s called “nexus” in their state—meaning they have a physical presence there. And if a business has nexus in a state, they are required to collect sales tax from customers in that state.

The good news is, not all states require sales tax on dropshipped orders. The bad news is, it can be difficult to determine which states do and which don’t.

To make things as simple as possible, we’ve compiled a list of all the states that require sales tax on dropshipped orders:



How to Collect and Pay Sales Tax as a Dropshipper

Sales tax is a bit more complicated for dropshippers since they are not the ones selling the product, but are instead facilitating the sale. Dropshippers need to be aware of the sales tax laws in their state as well as the states of their customers.

When a customer makes a purchase from a dropshipper, the customer is responsible for paying any applicable sales tax to the state in which they live. The dropshipper then needs to remit that money to the state. The process for collecting and paying sales tax will vary depending on the state, but it is generally the responsibility of the seller to collect and remit the taxes.

Some states require that businesses obtain a sales tax permit before they can begin collecting taxes. In these states, the dropshipper will need to obtain a permit and register with the state before they can start collecting taxes from customers. Other states do not require a permit, but businesses still need to register with the state in order to collect and remit taxes.

The best way to stay compliant with sales tax laws is to use a software that automatestaxes by calculating, collecting, and remitting taxes on behalf of your business. This way, you can focus on running your business and leave the sales tax compliance to us.

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Exceptions to the Rule

In some cases, you may be able to get away with not charging sales tax on your dropshipping orders. This usually happens in one of two scenarios:

1. You’re shipping to a state where your business doesn’t have nexus.

2. You’re selling items that are exempt from sales tax.

If neither of these scenarios applies to you, then you’ll need to start collecting and remitting sales tax on your dropshipping orders.


Dropshipping does not have to charge sales tax, but it is important for dropshippers to be aware of the different regulations in each state and country. As with any business endeavor, research is key when considering a dropshipping venture. Understanding how taxes work can help you make informed decisions that will benefit your business. Researching applicable laws and regulations before undertaking a new project can save time and money down the line as well as ensure that all legal requirements are met.